$ 1.50
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Wooly Bugger Black trout flies available in sizes 4 to 12 California Proposition 65 Warning
Black Mayfly available in sizes 10 to 18 California Proposition 65 Warning
Designed to quickly get down deep in the water column. The Tungsten Nymph Head Caddis Pupa Brown Type 2 trout flies are available in sizes...
Designed to quickly get down deep in the water column. The Tungsten Nymph Head Caddis Pupa Olive Type 2 trout flies are available in sizes...
$ 1.25
Parachute Royal Coachman trout flies available in sizes 12 to 20 California Proposition 65 Warning
Designed to quickly get down deep in the water column. The Tungsten Nymph Head San Juan Earth Worm trout flies are available in sizes 12...
Swimming Damsel Nymph trout flies available in sizes 14 and 16 California Proposition 65 Warning
Bead Head Birds Nest trout fly available in sizes 10 to 16 California Proposition 65 Warning
Zug Bug trout flies available in sizes 10 to 16. This nymph is designed to imitate a caddis nymph, but we found it to be...
Tungsten Nymphhead Prince Nymph Rubber Legs trout flies are available in sizes 12 to 16 This fly is designed to get you down where the...
Tungsten Nymphhead Pheasant Tail Rubber Legs trout flies available in sizes 12 to 16 This fly is designed to get you down where the fish...
Skawala Stonefly trout flies available in sizes 10 and 12 California Proposition 65 Warning
Parachute Trico trout flies available in sizes 14 to 20 California Proposition 65 Warning
Designed to quickly get down deep in the water column. The Tungsten Nymph Head Hares Ear Black trout flies are available in sizes 12 to...
Travis HiVis PMD Para Emerger trout flies This pattern is meant to be fished just below the surface when PMD are emerging. The Foam parachute...
PM Caddis Trout Flies available at The Trout Spot in sizes 12 to 20 California Proposition 65 Warning
Pheasant Tail Emerger trout flies available in sizes 14 to 20 California Proposition 65 Warning
BH Biot Epoxy Nymph BWO a great Blue Wing Olive nymph for trout. Available in sizes 12 to 18 California Proposition 65 Warning
BH Caddis Nymph Olive available in sizes 12 to 18 California Proposition 65 Warning
Little Brown Trout flies available in sizes 4 to 10 California Proposition 65 Warning
Trico trout flies Excellent mayfly pattern to fish early in the morning, before the spinner fall. A must have on western streams. Available in sizes...
$ 1.95
The Parachute Purple Haze is a variation of the popular Adams Parachute. An effective attractor fly and works to imitate mayfly and midges all over...
$ 2.25
Rickard Stillwater Nymph 2 trout flies available in sizes 10 to 12 California Proposition 65 Warning
Designed to quickly get down deep in the water column. The Tungsten Nymph Head Cased Caddis trout flies are available in sizes 14 to 18...